
About us

As Anglicans, we are a community of Christians formed by the Holy Spirit through Scripture, worship, and prayer. 

We are committed to doing LIFE TOGETHER.

Sunday Worship

On Sundays, we gather together for Holy Communion. Our Sunday worship is at 10:15 a.m. Following the earliest traditions of the Church, we worship in word and sacrament. The service consists of music, the reading of Scripture, prayer, and the celebration of Holy Communion. All are welcome to worship with us, and all baptized Christians are invited to take Holy Communion.

Fellowship Time

After Sunday worship we gather in the Parish Hall for a time of food and fellowship. This is more than just coffee hour for us. We usually share a meal together, and we often linger around the tables as parishioners share stories and catch up with each other.

Morning Prayer

The Anglican Church was formed around ancient patterns of worship that included regular times of prayer throughout the day. Anglicans continue this tradition in the services of Morning and Evening Prayer. At Grace, Evening Prayer is usually done at home, but we gather in person for Morning Prayer weekdays, Tuesday-Thursday at 7:00 a.m. This is a brief, quiet service that helps us center our lives around God as we hear from Scripture and bring the needs of the community to God.

Feast Day Services

The Church calendar is marked by feast days that celebrate key figures and events in the Gospel story. At Grace Church, we celebrate these days by gathering for a service of Holy Communion at 7:00 pm. The dates of these services can be found on the events calendar. These are quiet services that create space for prayer and contemplation.

Children's Ministry

When we baptize a child in our tradition, the entire congregation vows to do all in their power to nurture that little person's faith, so kids are highly valued at Grace Church. We have a wonderful team of volunteers who've been screened and trained to ensure the safety of our children.

  • Each Sunday parents take their kids to Children's Chapel when they arrive, where our kids encounter the Gospel through worship, Scripture, and creative play, all in a safe and nurturing atmosphere.
  • Children's Chapel is for kids preschool-5th grade.
  • Children's Chapel ends in time for all of our kids to join their families for Holy Communion.
  • Children are ALWAYS welcome to stay in the service with their parents.

Learn more about our team
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